DIY Apple Cider Vinegar Facial Toner

Sunday, May 21, 2017



Pregnancy changed me a lot. And my skin has to keep up.

Lately, I've been pretty crazy about my skincare routine because I wanted to finally stick to something that really works for my skin. That means I am currently at the look out for products that works best for my skin type. I even did some research, watched some informative videos, read too many articles just to understand more how my skin works and what products I should be using.

It was then that I found out that pregnancy actually changes the game a lot. I have to be extra careful of the products I put on my skin because I am pregnant. I learned about alcohol contents, actives etc. That said, I figured to go for something natural if I want to play it safe considering my pregnancy.

Like I said, I am trying to establish the best skincare routine for myself and I am on the point of looking for a good facial toner that not only works, but is also safe for me. Tried looking for the best commercial facial toners here in our place but most of the toners I found have high alcohol content and are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. There's an organic toner available online but it's not worth the shipping fee if I am to buy only one item. Thank goodness, I found out about DIY Apple Cider Vinegar facial toner. Not only that it's available locally, it's also very easy to make.


First, let's talk about why there's a need for a facial toner. I've used facial toners before but only because I see some people use it. I used facial toner just for the sake of using it. I didn't really understood its importance for being a part of a skin care routine. Well now I do:

Our skin has a natural pH of around 5. But it is very delicate that it can be easily disrupted by stress, diet, dehydration, lacking exercise,  soap-based cleansers that are typically more alkaline (pH7). When your skin's natural acid mantle is disrupted, the skin becomes more susceptible to infection, long term wrinkles and diseases because there is abnormal bacterial growth in your skin. Your skin will also work double time to bring it back to its normal pH level making you more oily. Toners are more acidic, so applying it to your skin will restore its natural pH saving your skin from all those problems mentioned above.


Apple Cider Vinegar is a by-product of the fermentation of apples. It is loaded of fortified minerals, enzymes and acids. Not to mention it is also both antibacterial and antiseptic making it a perfect warrior against eczema and acne.


Easy-Peasy! You just have to combine distilled or filtered water and apple cider vinegar in a container. Shake it well, then you're done. But here's the catch: You have to combine it according to a ratio that's perfect for your skin type.

Sensitive skin: 1:4. That means you combine 1 part ACV (apple cider vinegar) to 4 parts of water.
Dry skin: 1:2. That means you combine 1 part ACV to 2 parts of water.
Oily skin: 1:1, which means you combine equal amounts of ACV and water in a container.

"Part" by the way depends on the unit you prefer to use. It could be a cup or a tablespoon, whatever suits your preference.  If you are not sure what  your skin type is, start by the sensitive skin ratio. Regardless of your skin type, ALWAYS do a patch test on your skin to see how your skin will respond. We'll never know if you are actually allergic to ACV or what. You don't really have to follow the ratios I mentioned above. What works for me doesn't mean will work for you too even if we have the same skin type. Go ahead and feel free to experiment with the ratios. However, I suggest you don't go over the 1:1 ratio.

By the way, I use an organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar, that one with the 'mother' on it because it has the most therapeutic benefits. 'Mother' refers to the strand-like enzymes that are present on organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar.  The ACV label will tell you so if it has the 'mother' or not. And oh! Just a heads up, this facial toner will sting on open sores, scratches, pimples etc.


I shake the bottle very well before putting the toner on a cotton ball.  I apply it after I cleansed my face and before I apply my moisturizer. I also wait for the toner to dry up before I apply the moisturizer. I am using 1:1 ratio and it makes me teary eyed. So I just closed my eyes while applying this to my skin. You don't need to refrigerate this toner by the way.


Very well! I noticed that my pores are smaller. My hormones are acting up due to pregnancy and this resulted to crazy zits. But after using ACV Facial Toner, it has somehow helped me keep the breakouts at bay. It didn't really stopped the pimples from coming up due to pregnancy hormones BUT it definitely helped me stopped those pimples from becoming dreaded acne. They actually heal before they could get worse. I also became less oily nowadays  which is an added bonus, YAY! My skin's far from being perfect, but it definitely is much better today than it used to be.

I say don't be afraid to try this out. There's no need to panic; It's organic!

'Til then, See yah!

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