What I Eat In A Day | 06-13-20 |

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Before anything else, here's a heads up:

1. I am not a cook and I do not have any special cooking skills. I just like to cook, but "cooking" doesn't like me back. 
2. I am not a dietitian nor on any special diet plan.
3. There's a little ninja growing inside my tummy and I am currently powerless against the cravings he is causing 😆
4. These are the actual foods I ate. No preparations, very random and realistic. So don't expect much.


Food has never been this enticing in my entire life. The boredom brought to us by quarantine combined with the power of social media platforms have definitely made us all seem to be always hungry. Do you agree? All those beautiful photos and mukbang videos I see online tricks my brain into thinking that "I can afford this food", "It looks easy, I can follow this recipe" or , "I am hungry, I have to eat" - even though I have just eaten a meal a couple of hours ago. Without any proper workout or any activity to help me burn out the calories, I'll probably end up doubling my body size before the quarantine started. HELP!


Here are the foods I ate in a day. Spare me your judgment please :D I'm just one bored hungry momma stuck inside our home with a kitchen and a fridge. LOL.

BREAKFAST: Arroz Caldo

Today we had quite a lot of leftover rice from yesterday. I didn't really want it to go to waste so I decided to put it in the fridge last night to cook it again today. I usually would have fried the leftover rice but I thought it would be too much work. To make things easier for me, I decided to make Chicken Rice Porridge or Arroz Caldo. I've eaten up a bowl of it with some chicken and a piece of boiled egg topped with some chopped spring onion fresh from my mini garden. I would have added some bits of fried garlic on it but I wasn't really feeling too fancy. This was one of those mornings that I feel very tired and lazy after waking up. Though I have to say that when the rice porridge came out good, it made me really happy and a little bit enthusiastic. Indeed, a good breakfast is an essential for starting a productive day. Not that I turned out productive after my breakfast. I WAS STILL BEING LAZY! 😁 I guess we can all blame my pregnancy hormones. LOL.

LUNCH: Boiled Corn and Papaya

My husband brought home a jumbo papaya and green mango the other day. They were so huge they would take too much space in the fridge so I just left them in our table. I wasn't feeling very hungry and it was almost lunch time. So I decided to eat the corn I boiled after having our breakfast paired with the ripe papaya. The papaya looked so good I decided to eat two huge portions of it. After that my tummy felt super tight there's probably no more space left for water. Goodness me!

SNACK: Green Mango

An hour and a half afterwards, I was craving for something savory again because I did not have any savory food during lunch. (This pregnancy was all about something savory. I don't really feel full until I've eaten savory foods. My tummy would just feel tight for eating sweets. But not really like the fullness and satisfaction I get after eating savory foods.). I decided to eat another bowl of rice porridge but this time, without the boiled egg and just a small piece of chicken wing. After that, I sliced three small green mangoes paired with sugared soy sauce. 

DINNER: Chicken Siomai

Dinner time is when I feel such a strong urge to eat the food I have been craving the most throughout this pregnancy: siomai. I don't really crave it that much in the morning and noon. But having siomai late afternoon or in the evening is just super satisfying. There were already countless dinners that all I ate was siomai. My favorite is the frozen siomai that you can buy per kilo. Lately though it is always sold out from the local sellers. I also like the siomai from 7-11 but sometimes they run out of it too. My husband can make siomai but it's just not the same with the ones that we like to buy per kilo. Tonight though I am lucky that one of the online seller I know made their own chicken siomai. They taste good too. A little different but still good.  I bought two and reserved the other one for my dinner the next day. 

So that's it. These are all the foods I had this day. It isn't like this everyday. Since I got pregnant, I don't really plan that much anymore of what to eat for the day. I just kind of randomly decide as the day goes. I probably will post another WHAT I EAT IN A DAY next time and let's see how random I could get with my cravings. 😁

'Til then, See Yah!

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