BREASTFEEDING vs. FORMULA FEEDING - Advantages and Disadvantages (Which One Should You Choose?)

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

DISCLAIMER: One of my parenting motto is "MY CHILD, MY RULES" - which also goes the other way around: "YOUR CHILD, YOUR RULES" - because I believe we all have our own parenting styles. With that said, I would like to emphasize that this blog post is created to spread awareness about breastfeeding. I would also like to provide info for those who have not decided yet whether they are going to breastfeed their babies or not. THIS IS NOT MEANT FOR SHAMING NON-BREASTFEEDING MOMS. NO to mommy shaming and YES to mommy empowerment. 

Breastfeeding our daughter was a mutual decision between me and my husband. Even before giving birth to our first born, we've already decided to breastfeed her until she is 3 years old. Our daughter is still 2 as of writing this post. She is turning three a couple of weeks from now however we already stopped breastfeeding her months ago. I am currently pregnant with our second child and as per my OB's advice, I have to stop breastfeeding her, and so we did. Well, not really "totally stopped" because she still begs to breastfeed each time before she take a nap in the afternoon and at night time during bed time. But aside from those times, she no longer breastfeed. 

Coming up to a decision of  breastfeeding our child was an easy one for us. We already made up that decision even before I got pregnant. We were both encouraged by a family friend whose child was also breastfed for 3 years. My husband and I both saw how their child grew up healthy and smart and for some reasons, a part of us believes that it was because she got all the essentials she needs while growing up because she was breastfed properly from baby to toddler-hood

Did we regret our decision? NEVER.
Are we going to breastfeed too our second child? DEFINITELY.

If you ask me whether I recommend breastfeeding for at least 2 years, my answer is a big resounding YES, OF COURSE. But if you decide to breastfeed for only 6 months or not breastfeed your child at all, I RESPECT YOUR DECISION. :) Like I said on my disclaimer, "your child, your rules." That doesn't make you any less of a parent. We all have our own ways. Breastfeeding is a personal matter. And frankly, you will likely draw strong opinions (unsolicited or not) from family and friends no matter what you choose to do. Unfortunately, that's how our society works. You will be judged, guilted and shamed -- no matter what your decision is, people will always have a say.  Just keep in mind that you and your baby are unique. What's important is you get the support and consideration that you need.

Now, for those who have not made up their minds yet, I would like to lay down a list of the pros and cons to help them decide. 


  1. Saves you a lot of money. Like A LOT. Really.
  2. Breast milk contains almost the perfect mix of all the nutrients your baby needs which makes it the healthiest and most ideal food for your baby. The only one that is not enough on it is vitamin D which is why you have to take your baby out for a sun bathing. NO other formulated milk can provide the same amount or composition of milk to your baby. ONLY BREAST MILK.
  3. Your baby's needs changes every month as he/she grows, and so as your breast milk! It changes its composition too according to your baby's needs especially on the first month. Just how cool is that, huh?
  4. Breast milk is loaded with antibodies and this is why it always shows on studies that children who are breastfed have better resistance and immune system. This we have proven by personal experience. Our first born is turning 3 years old and we only had one hospital trip ever since. It wasn't even necessary to take her to the hospital. We just really panicked as first time parents. Have we known better, we won't have any hospital trip at all!
  5. You don't have to worry about diarrhea and constipation. Constipation on babies is no joke. When I was younger, I saw a mom who had to slide a finger inside the baby's bum just to help her take the poop out. It was horrifying for both the baby and the parents. Even to me who was just watching the entire scene. I could never forget it my entire life. 
  6. It's still inconclusive but experts' studies show that children who were breastfed have better IQ scores later in life. They think that the fatty acids found on breast milk are the brain boosters.
  7. Breastfeeding gives a special bond between the mom and the baby. Bottle fed babies form a bond with their parents too but the skin-to-skin contact during breastfeeding makes all the difference. It is definitely more reassuring to the baby especially to the newborns.
  8. Breastfeeding promotes healthy weight and helps prevent childhood obesity because your baby has the control whether or not he/she wants to feed more.
  9. Breastfeeding help the mom lose more pregnancy weight.
  10. You produce oxytocin when you breastfeed and this hormone will help your uterus get back to its previous size. 
  11. Mothers who breastfeed have long term protection against breast & ovarian cancer and many other diseases.
  12. Breastfeeding delays the mother's menstruation.
  13. Breastfeeding practices the baby's jaw which is beneficial when the baby starts learning to talk later in life.
  14. Breast milk is easy to digest which helps prevent gas and colic. Trust me, you don't want a colicky baby.
  15. Breastfeeding (especially those who do direct feeding) saves you time, effort and energy as you don't have to prepare milk bottles, warming the formula and sterilizing the bottles. You don't even have to clean up bottles after feedings. 
  16. You don't have to prepare and take with you that much of baby feeding stuffs when going out. As long as you are wearing something comfortable with easy boob access, then you are good to go. All you need to do is take your boobie out to feed the baby.
  17. One more thing I realized during this pandemic is that you didn't have to go panic buying during crisis and calamity. You can save your money and spend it for the other essentials.

Looking at this list, breastfeeding is very beneficial for both the mom and the baby. It provides not just simple but amazing benefits from the start and in the long run. This is the reason why, in my humble opinion, breastfeeding is the most ideal choice out of the two. 


  1. A breastfeeding mom has lesser freedom. She needs to be on-call and has to make herself always available for the baby. When the baby demands for it, the mom has to provide. Sometimes regardless of the timing, place, event or occasion. This what makes it harder especially in the beginning when the baby needs to feed every 2 to 3 hours. Toggling between household chores and the baby is a challenge.
  2. Breastfeeding is very painful at first. The intensity of the pain varies from one mother to another - whether the baby is a biter or when the breast is super engorged. This sometimes become the reason why some moms give up. I will never forget how hard it was for me to take a bath because the wound on my nipples (yeah, I got wounds) was so sore.
  3. Breastfeeding can be stressful especially for the first time moms who are probably overwhelmed with all of the changes they have to go through at the same time.
  4. Breastfeeding can be very difficult at the beginning. There are a lot of things you have to learn from milk production, proper latching even to the proper breastfeeding positions. It is a learning process that may lead to frustrations. Mothers can get easily disappointed and discouraged thus making it another reason why some mothers stop breastfeeding. 
  5. When you are a breastfeeding mom, you are required to keep a healthy lifestyle because drinks and food have effects on the milk composition and production. You can no longer indulge too much in coffees, alcohol and wines.
  6. You don't have that much of a choice when it comes to fashion. Comfort and nursing access will become your new fashion priority.
  7. Babies digest breast milk every 2 to 3 hours which means you have to wake up in that interval too even during night time. No more good night sleep for you mommy. Fortunately, it's not forever. Only in the first few months.
  8. When your baby is naturally slim or skinny, the opinionated "uninformed" people will tend to blame it your breast milk because all they thought about a "healthy" baby are the fat ones. NOT TRUE. In fact, it's probably the opposite. The fat ones (not all) could be obese and overfed making them prone to illnesses. Even so, you still have to bear with their uninformed opinions and misconceptions.
If you think about it, most of the disadvantages of breastfeeding is mostly about a mother's sacrifices. This is why I have huge respect to my fellow mommies who breastfeed their child until 2 years old. I know how much sacrifice they have to make and how much convenience they have to lose just to be able to breastfeed.


  1. The mom can go to work or anywhere far from the baby for several hours without worrying about the baby's food. A breastfeeding mom can still go to work but she has to pump and store breast milk first. And it's quite a task to do.
  2. Mommies get a little more freedom with the commitment hours, clothing and some other lifestyle choices like drinking lots of alcohol and coffee. No need to alter your diet just to meet the baby's needs. There will also be no restrictions when it comes to the cosmetic products the mother wants to use.
  3. Formulated milk are usually from cow and the composition is also designed for cows that have four stomachs. Your baby only have one stomach so it takes longer for your baby to digest the formulated milk. This means your baby will have longer interval of sleep hours at night because the baby will feel full for a longer period of time. It will take a while before the baby gets hungry again and cry to wake you up. It also means you have more rest time during day time in between feedings.
  4. Formula feeding is more convenient on the part of the mother.. Well, except for the ones who have to prepare and clean up every feeding time.
  5. It doesn't hurt. You don't have to worry about sore nipples, engorged breast or about getting a mastitis.
  6. When you are formula feeding, you can share the responsibility with the other family members. On the other hand, breastfeeding moms can share feeding responsibility too ONLY IF they pumped the milk out of their breast and bottle feed the baby. However, pumping breast milk is also another task for them to tackle.
  7. It's easier to track how much ounces of milk your baby is getting.
  8. The mother could take any medication without worrying.
  9. You can spend more time with your older child.
  10. You can easily feed the baby in public. 

This list might look like mostly just all about for the convenience of the mother but please SPARE  HER FROM YOUR JUDGMENTS. A mom went through a lot of crazy changes with her body and even with her routines. She sacrificed a lot just to give birth of the baby. Do not take it against her if she chooses to formula feed because she deserves a choice too. It's her baby, it's her body, it's her rule, it's her decision. You don't really have a say about it unless you're the husband and it's your baby too. If you have nothing nice to say to a mother, then please just keep it to your self :)


  1. Formula feeding could compromise baby's health because it is not as nutritious as breast milk. Formulated milk came from cows therefore its composition is made for baby cows and not for human babies. In other words, the nutrients it contains is not comparable to the nutrients found in breast milk.
  2. Numerous articles were published every year talking about high sugar content in baby formulas. I can't really tell you much about it but I would like to insert a couple of paragraphs from one of the articles I read about it online:

    "Some formula milks have double the sugar per serving than a glass of soda. That was the key finding of our global investigation into the sugar content of infant formula and follow-on milks. But perhaps more shocking is the fact that there are so few regulations in place to control sugar content and to make sure consumers are well informed."

    "Our findings revealed that over half of the products contained more than 5g of sugar per 100ml. In many cases, the sugar content was over 7.5g per 100ml, which exceeds European parliament recommended levels for infants. "


  3. You have to carry feeding equipment around wherever you go. This wouldn't be a problem though if you are someone who can pay someone to do this for you.
  4. Formula feeding is expensive. Again, this is not an issue for those who can afford. But for those are on a budget, this could be a burden in the wallet.
  5. In times of pandemic and unforeseen natural disasters that could lead to immediate closing of business establishments or sudden economic crisis, you inevitably have to do panic buying just in case there will be shortage of supplies or production of formulated milk. 
  6. Formula feeding could also be a trial and error case because there are babies who are not readily compatible or suited to some milk brands. It would be a terrible situation to be needing to switch from one brand to another leaving the baby at risk of constipation until you find the right brand suited for him/her.
  7. Night time feedings could be harder because you have a lot to prepare and clean up every feeding time. 
  8. With that said about preparations and night time feedings, formula feeding is something that will really require your time, effort and energy.
  9. There is a tendency of overfeeding the baby because the baby doesn't have the entire control of how much milk to intake. Even if the baby won't suck the nipples, the milk will continue dripping out of it. Newborns can't exactly tell their parents to stop feeding them when they are already full. 
  10. When left unattended, there is a tendency that the baby is sucking to an empty milk bottle or to a skewed bottle and might already be sucking air instead of milk. This will make the baby prone to gas and colic. 
  11. One thing that you have to be very careful about when preparing formulated milk for the baby is to make sure that the feeding equipment used were properly cleaned and sterilized and that the water is absolutely potable. Negligence in this aspect will put the baby in danger of acquiring diarrhea. It's one thing you have to consider too when you have to go out with the baby for a long period of time.
  12. Because baby formulas have high sugar content, it could lead to childhood obesity. They might look cute being small and chubby as a baby but later in life this also means that they are prone to acquiring diseases. 
  13. Formula feeding requires a lot of money. From the plenty of milk that you should never fail to buy, to the feeding equipment that you have to use. Even the cheapest brands of baby milk are still quite "hard" in the budget unless you are someone who can afford the price that you have to pay in exchange of the convenience you get.

I am not an expert and this blog post is mostly based on my experience as a breastfeeding mom. If there are some things I forgot to highlight or mention, I am open for any corrections and suggestions. 

'Til then, See Yah!

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